Transparent, Non-political, Fiscally Responsible Leadership
About Jay
I am a parent of two Parkland kids, a successful business leader, and a local community volunteer. I am deeply involved within the school community as a board member for Parkland School District, LCTI, and Education Foundation. I am also the administrator of the Parkland Parents online forum where parents help support each other in these difficult academic years.
Parkland School District has to manage a complex set of logistical challenges including future anticipated growth. Now that the pandemic is hopefully in our rear-view mirror, I plan to work with administration and parents alike to ensure that our students are receiving the best education possible and get over the learning challenges faced during the pandemic. My experience in using technology to solve complex business problems uniquely prepares me for this challenge and enables me to achieve the same success for the district.
I am also a board member of Indian American Association of Lehigh Valley, serve on the Lehigh County personnel review board, and volunteer for the Springhouse Science Olympiad team. I continue to give back to the local community that I am both privileged to be part of, and hope to continue representing.